
She Matched With A Guy Who Claimed He Was A Pilot And Offered To Take Her On A Flight, But She Later Realized He Was Still In Flight School, Didn’t Have His Own Plane, And The Flight Lesson She Joined Left Her Sick To Her Stomach

Photo 114579313 © Yakshina Dariya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

TikToker and celebrity makeup artist Kendal Fedail (@makeupbykendal) is from Los Angeles, and she’s talking about a bad date she went on with a pilot who invited her to fly in his plane with him.

Three or four years ago, she matched with a guy on a dating app. In one of his prompts, he mentioned that he was a pilot, so they chatted about that.

He offered to take her up on his plane for their first date. She agreed, thinking it would be super romantic and that she would get to see the whole view of Los Angeles from the sky.

So, he gave her the address to a hangar at a small airport for private planes. He told her to meet him there at four o’clock, and they could watch the sunset from the plane. When she arrived, she noticed that the sign on the building had the words “flight academy” on it.

She quickly realized that he did not have his own plane and that he was actually taking her on his flight lesson. She decided to go with the flow since she was already there.

After meeting him and his instructor, they headed over to a row of planes. Most of them looked nice and new, but they walked past all of them to the end of the row where a battered, rickety-looking plane sat waiting.

Because this was supposed to be a date, Kendal thought she would sit up front so they could get to know each other. But of course, she was directed to the back and given a big, clunky headset to wear so she could listen to what they were talking about up front.

In this particular lesson, her date was practicing how to land and take off. They would get up into the air, fly around for a little bit, and then turn around to land. They did that about ten to twenty times.

The whole time, Kendal was sitting in the back, not speaking at all, while her date and his instructor used special aviation jargon that she didn’t understand to communicate with each other.

Photo 114579313 © Yakshina Dariya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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