
She Looks Like She’s In High School, Even Though She’s 30, And It’s Making Her Dating Life Impossible

Photo 198880691 © Dan Grytsku - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Photo 198880691 © Dan Grytsku - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is 30-years-old, but everyone always believes that she’s in high school or barely 21 because of her baby face.

Any time she tries to buy lottery tickets or alcohol, she gets asked for her ID to prove she’s of legal age to purchase those items.

Not a single person believes her when she tells them her real age, and she admits that it’s kind of nice that she won the genetic lottery and doesn’t look old, but it’s also awful.

People look at her and don’t see an adult; they see her as a young girl. So, her baby face is basically making her dating life impossible.

“When it comes to dating, it seems like I only attract creepy older men,” she explained. “It’s nasty and really scary.”

She thinks every guy in their 30s is trying to find a woman who looks at least like their age or has a face that’s more mature than hers.

She is on dating apps, and she goes out of her way to select photos for her profile that make her appear older, but it never helps.

Instead, she comes across like a teen trying to be a 30-year-old woman. She does verify her accounts, but even then, guys question how old she is.

Sometimes, guys completely unmatch her or accuse her of being barely 18.

Photo 198880691 © Dan Grytsku – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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