
She Knew Her Husband Was Cheating On Her When He Came Home With Makeup On His Face

Friends Stock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Friends Stock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman and her 28-year-old husband are pretty much living the American Dream.

They got married two years ago, have been together for 8 years in total, and own their own home. They have money in the bank, they have two cars, and they have three dogs.

But, one day recently, her husband came home with something on his wife. She went to wipe it off and realized it was makeup.

She questioned her husband about why he had makeup on his nose, and he said he wasn’t sure. Eventually, he claimed the makeup was from the dentist.

She thought that was the craziest excuse she had ever heard because the dentist never gets close enough to your face to transfer makeup onto you.

She told her husband as much, and he appeared to panic as he tripped over his words and wouldn’t look at her.

Her husband kept insisting that he was not lying, before saying she should check the cameras in their house or look at his phone, because he had nothing to hide.

She ended up dropping the topic, as her parents were on their way over to watch their dogs since she and her husband were supposed to head to California for a vacation.

When her parents got to their house, she acted normal while texting her brother to fill him in on the drama.

Friends Stock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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