
She Gifted Her Friend Less Wedding Money Than She’d Originally Planned Because She Wasn’t Informed That She Would Have To Purchase Both Food And Drinks At The Event

nataliakabliuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s no secret that attending someone’s destination wedding can get really pricey, especially if they don’t offer to cover any of your travel or accommodation costs.

One woman recently attended her friend’s destination wedding and ended up having to use some of the money she was going to give as a wedding gift for her own food and drinks that night since hardly any were provided by the bride and groom.

She was asked to be in her friend’s bridal party for her destination wedding in an expensive location. Her friend and her new husband both work, while her friend has also been calling herself a student for the last 10 years as she’s been continuing her education by choice.

Throughout the wedding planning process, her friend continuously complained about how hard it was to plan a wedding on a ‘student’s budget.’

“Because this ‘student’s budget’ became the main story of her life, I, together with the rest of the bridal party, pitched in to help with the wedding dress, hair, and makeup costs for her,” she explained.

Additionally, the bride and groom asked all guests to give them money instead of wedding guests and suggested each guest bring a minimum of $300.

When she arrived at the wedding venue, which was an expensive hotel, she was shocked to discover that her friend had planned a dry wedding. 

“By dry, I mean that the only drink on the house was the 2-liter bottle of water for each table of eight,” she explained.

“If you wanted to drink more water, soda, [or] juice, not even talking about alcohol, you had to pay for it at hotel cost.”

nataliakabliuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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