
She Ended Up In A Situationship With A Guy Even Though She Wanted It To Be Serious Between Them, And She’s Not Sure If It’s Acceptable To Break Up With Him Over Text

Tamani Chithambo/ - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Tamani Chithambo/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman accidentally ended up in a situationship with a 34-year-old guy, even though she thought things between them were romantic and they were dating.

She’s been seeing this guy for two months, and he really is quite the romantic. He cooks dinner for her and takes her out on nice dates.

“His interest seemed very high, and [he] was in contact with me daily, even introducing me to friends,” she explained.

“A week ago, we had a sleepover, and I had asked where things were going. That I wasn’t asking for a label but rather to see if we were on the same page. He got weird instantly, and since that talk has been distant.”

“The next day, he’d mentioned not wanting a relationship and listed his reasons (uncertainty about his own life, etc.).”

Prior to that conversation, she was aware that his longest relationship only lasted 8 months and that he normally only dated women seriously for two or three months total.

He also had confessed to her that he never told a woman that he was in love before. She thought that seemed like a big red flag, but she didn’t want to be judgemental.

But anyway, she was left in complete shock when he said he didn’t want anything serious, as he truly was acting as if he was her boyfriend, not a fling.

“He gave me the feeling that’s what he wanted, something deeper,” she said. “I am feeling bad as this one question I asked seemed to totally shift the relationship.”

Tamani Chithambo/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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