
His Daughters Despise His Girlfriend And Are Threatening To Live With His Ex-Wife Full-Time If He And His Girlfriend Move In Together, But He Thinks His Daughters Are Just Jealous

Photo 64558979 © Goodluz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 38-year-old guy has been dating his girlfriend, who is 35, for three years, and he truly believes that he’s never been happier.

Prior to this relationship, he was married to his 46-year-old ex-wife. And together, they had two daughters, who are now 15 and 16-years-old.

“My daughters mean the world to me, and they’re the most beautiful girls I know,” he said.

However, he and his ex-wife still eventually separated, and he remained single for about five years following the split.

During that time, custody of his girls was split– with him and his ex-wife getting the children every other week.

Then, he eventually met his girlfriend, and his life changed. They are now even planning to move in together. But his daughters couldn’t be more unhappy with that.

Apparently, the girls are angry about the idea of him and his girlfriend living together since they really don’t like her. And he claims that the only reason he can possibly think of is that his daughters are jealous of his girlfriend.

According to him, his girlfriend is extremely loving and kind. He feels that she has “a huge heart” and has tried her absolute hardest to forge a relationship with his daughters.

Nonetheless, his girls are still really rude to his girlfriend and claim to hate her– going so far as to constantly make fun of her appearance.

Photo 64558979 © Goodluz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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