
Her Long Distance Girlfriend Already Bought Expensive Plane Tickets To Visit Her On Christmas, But Now She Wants To End Their Relationship And Isn’t Sure Whether To Do It Before The Trip Or After Her Girlfriend Arrives

Photo 134264208 © Evgenyatamanenko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman is currently in a long-distance relationship with her girlfriend, who is 27. And along with the holidays, their anniversary is actually right around the corner.

She recently graduated from college, too, so she now lives closer to her girlfriend than ever before.

“But because of where my girlfriend’s located, all flights are expensive since there’s only one small airport where she lives,” she explained.

Still, her girlfriend actually bought some pretty expensive plane tickets to visit her for Christmas, and there’s one major flaw in the plan: she is contemplating just ending their relationship.

For some context, she claims to genuinely love her girlfriend. However, she doesn’t feel like she’s really in love.

She’s tried discussing this with her friends and even her therapist in the past, too. Yet, everyone just kept encouraging her to try and make her relationship work.

She did admit that, over time, her relationship with her girlfriend has actually improved.

“But even when things are going good, I still have thoughts of breaking up in the back of my mind,” she revealed.

And now, with Christmas only about a month away, she feels like it’s decision time.

Photo 134264208 © Evgenyatamanenko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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