
Her Husband Convinced Her To Get A Pet Cat For Their Sons, But She Got Stuck Taking Care Of It, So She Told Her Husband That She’s Sick Of Having To “Baby Another Man” In Their Household

Sergio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

This 32-year-old woman lives in a home filled with men. More specifically, she lives with her husband, who is 33, and their two sons– who are 7 and 5-years-old. Plus, her 57-year-old father also lives with them.

Her sons recently hit the age where they’d love to get a pet, too. But, she feels like she already carries the bulk of the responsibilities at their house.

“And I know that a pet will just lead to me taking care of it like I take care of everyone,” she said.

Her husband, on the other hand, thought that getting a pet would be a great idea. So, he was able to convince her as long as her husband agreed to use his day off from work to bring their sons to the pound to pick out an animal.

Well, after visiting the pound, her husband and sons came home with a male cat that was already fully grown– between 2 and 3-years-old.

Surprise, surprise: she also wound up being the only person who took care of their new furry friend.

Sure, her sons fed the cat in the morning before school. But since she’s a stay-at-home mom, she was forced to care for the animal throughout the rest of the day.

“And he’s always in my space, always trying to lay against me if I’m working or relaxing,” she explained.

That’s why she finally had enough and confronted her husband about the cat the other night.

Sergio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

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