
Her Fiancé’s Sister Ate All Of Her Expensive Wedding Cake Samples Before She Got To Try Any Of Them

Maya refused to buy more cake samples and told her there was no reason to buy them again because she thought they were lousy.

“Leo backed me up on having Maya pay to replace it, and we argued until I said that if Maya can’t cough up the money, then she’ll just stay at my future-mother-in-law’s house because there was no way I was having someone so disrespectful in my house,” she recalled.

“Maya thought I was bluffing until Leo repeated my sentiment and went to go pack her things in a huff.”

When Maya returned from packing her things, she handed her a few bucks for gas and told her to get out.

Later, she got an angry phone call from Leo’s mom, who told her she was cruel to kick Maya out during her time of need. Her future mother-in-law was also irritated that she told Maya to stay with her, as their visit was already off to a bad foot.

Was she wrong to send Maya to her mom’s house, or was it the right thing to do, considering her behavior?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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