
Her Dad Has Been Cheating On Her Mom And Blowing Their Money By Buying His Mistress Everything

yavdat - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
yavdat - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman’s family is middle class, and her dad is currently the only person supporting their household.

Apparently, her mother was suffering from a brain tumor, underwent surgery, and has been unable to contribute financially ever since.

So, her family’s finances are not stable. To make matters worse, her father has been cheating on her mom consistently and buying his mistress practically everything, even though his mistress already has a job!

“None of us are okay with it, and he does it regardless,” she revealed.

But, given her mom’s condition, divorcing her father is not an option– leaving her family in a very hurtful situation.

Now, she claimed that she used to be a very considerate kid. That’s why whenever she wanted something, and her parents just weren’t able to afford it, she always understood and never brought it up.

She also learned to only ask for things when she thought it was “absolutely necessary.”

At the same time, her parents would try to satisfy both her wants and needs as best as they could afford.

Ever since her dad started blowing money on his mistress, though, she’s really been rubbed the wrong way.

yavdat – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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