Categories: Relationships

He Wants To Tell His Wife To Get A Job Because He Supported Her After She Was Fired From Three Different Positions, But Now That He Wants To Quit A Toxic Work Environment, She’s Telling Him Not To

Katharina Buczek

This 56-year-old guy has been married to his wife, who is 66, for 26 years. And throughout their marriage, his wife was fired from three of her jobs– all because of “her mouth,” according to him.

Then, after she finally landed a fourth position, she was forced to leave that job, too, because his wife’s boss was abusive.

After that, she then decided to just take her Social Security for about two years.

“And I supported her the whole time and financially sustained us,” he recalled.

However, he recently retired from both the Civil Service and the USAF Reserve after spending 30 and 33 years in each, respectively. But while he is receiving retirement money from the Civil Service, he won’t receive his USAF Reserve retirement funds until he turns 60 years old.

So, even though he is receiving some disability pay from the VA, his current income doesn’t level up to what he earned previously.

That’s why he recently took a new job working for a local private airport.

“And while the pay is good, the workplace is toxic,” he revealed. “Also, my injuries leave me coming home in pain.”

Not to mention, his commute to work is pretty long now– about an hour each way– and all of these downsides have negatively impacted his performance at his new job. And this led to him getting suspended without pay recently.

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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