
He Thought He Matched With An 18-Year-Old Woman On A Dating App, But When He Showed Up For Their Date, He Realized It Was The Woman’s Mother Who Actually Just Used Her Daughter’s Pictures On Her Profile

That’s why he thinks it’s crucial for people to portray themselves as they really are online, especially when it comes to dating apps.

“And I feel like I should have demanded her a refund for the parking lot fee, at the very least,” he added.

Anyway, following the date, he decided to share what happened with some of his coworkers the next day. Apparently, they had known about his date and asked him to update them afterward.

So, he kept his promise, but while he was divulging all the details to his coworkers, he was shocked to realize that some of his female colleagues began calling him “rude” and “jerk.”

“The reason being that, upon realizing my date was not 18 years old, I promptly ended the date and walked away,” he detailed.

One of his female coworkers, who is 32 years old, also accused him of being creepy for intending to go out with an 18-year-old.

“But I rejected that woman in the past, so she’s probably just a sore loser,” he vented.

Regardless, with a bunch of his colleagues now calling him names at work, he’s unsure if turning down the older woman was really a jerky thing to do.

Isn’t the “older woman” still closer in age to him than an 18-year-old? Still, is it understandable why he was caught off guard by the catfishing? Or do you think that his coworkers were right about it being creepy?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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