
He Broke Up With His Girlfriend Because He Found Out She Cheated In Her Previous Relationship And Still Hangs Out With Her Affair Partner To This Day

Christian Enders/Wirestock Creators - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old man and his girlfriend, 25, have been in a relationship for a year.

Several weeks ago, the two of them got together with a group of her friends.

“We were playing a little quiz game and one of the questions that popped up involved cheating. I mentioned that I hate cheaters, and after that, I noticed one of the friends give my girlfriend a look,” he said.

During this, his girlfriend seemed a little uneasy. It was strange, and it made him wonder what was going on.

The following day, he questioned his girlfriend about what all of that was about.

“She said that she wasn’t going to lie and admitted that she cheated on her ex. This was a year before she met me,” he explained.

He was angry because this was the first time that she was telling him about it, but he asked for more details.

His girlfriend told him that once, she was intoxicated, and she hooked up with B, a friend of hers who used to be a friend with benefits.

To this day, his girlfriend and B are friends and hang out constantly.

Christian Enders/Wirestock Creators – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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