
After His Wife Secretly Lost Over $9,000 While Online Gambling In Just A Few Weeks, He Cut Off Her Access To Their Finances

“So I decided to cut off her access to our finances and give her an allowance,” he revealed.

As you can probably imagine, this did not make his wife happy, either. Instead, she became very upset and accused him of being both unfair and controlling.

But, from his perspective, he thinks his response was reasonable given how much of their money she’s lost.

“And I’m not sure if I can trust her again after what she did,” he vented.

Regardless, with money now putting such a strain on their relationship, he’s been left wondering if cutting his wife off and only providing her with an allowance was really the wrong way to handle the situation.

How would you feel if your spouse lost that much money in such a short amount of time? Do you think cutting off his wife was the best thing to restrict her gambling while protecting their money? What would you have done if you were in his shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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