Categories: Romance

She Ordered Thai Food With A “Gym Bro” As A Date, But He Wouldn’t Stop Droning On About His Workout Routine And New Water Filtration System, And He Even Ate A Premade Meal Instead Of The Takeout

Emily Chan

“Gym bro” is a term that describes someone whose entire personality centers around fitness. This includes going to the gym, lifting weights, and consuming large amounts of protein.

Wanting to eat a healthy diet and regularly engage in physical activity are always positive things, but gym bros tend to take their passion for proper exercise and nutrition to a level of extremity. They also are often rude to those who don’t follow their lifestyle, particularly when it comes to women.

Of course, not all people who like to go to the gym behave in that manner. However, if you’re thinking about dating a stereotypical gym bro specifically, perhaps you should pause to read this story before making your decision.

TikToker @theawkwardorchid showcases an example of this in a video detailing a date she went on with a gym bro. So, she met a guy, and they made plans for her to go over to his house and order some Thai food.

At first, he seemed like a lovely person, but she quickly found out how egotistical and misogynistic he really was. During their date, all he talked about was working out and meal prepping. He didn’t ask her a single thing about herself, and it seemed like he didn’t care about her presence there.

After droning on about his workout routine for what felt like an eternity, the subject finally changed to something new. She was relieved because, at that point, any topic would be better than discussing how much he could lift.

Unfortunately, she was wrong because it only got worse from there. He proceeded to have a one-sided, forty-minute conversation with himself about the new water filtration system he had just installed in his kitchen.

He went on about how it was such a great investment and believed that it was necessary for everyone to spend their money on one. In addition, he proudly declared that he had refused any help with installing the contraption and figured it out for himself.

The most frustrating part was when he wouldn’t stop emphasizing how much the filtration system had cost. She recalled that he had paid over six or seven thousand dollars for it.

Studio Romantic – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Emily Chan

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