
Her Twin Sister Wants To Wear Their Late Mom’s Necklace To Her Wedding This Weekend, But She’s Afraid She’ll Never Get It Back If She Agrees

Photo 178638168 © Victoriaandreas - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman got married back in 2019, and the evening before her wedding, her uncle gifted her a necklace from her late mom.

Her mom passed away a decade earlier, and her mom wore that specific necklace every single day of her life.

She had assumed her mom had been buried with that necklace, but she was happy to find out that wasn’t the case.

“I have 2 sisters, and my uncle had 2 exact replica necklaces made for them, so we all 3 had the same necklace,” she explained.

“However, my necklace has an inscription on the back indicating it is the “real” one. I have worn the necklace every single day since my wedding. It is so special to me and has become a part of me.”

“My sisters have not touched theirs. They are still in the same jewelry boxes my uncle put them in. Untouched.”

This upcoming weekend, her twin sister is tying the knot, and she asked her if she can wear their mom’s original necklace.

Her sister has said before that she would like to have their mom’s real necklace and has even gone so far as to make up stories about how their uncle promised that she could have it when she got married.

That’s obviously not true at all, and regardless, she’s worried about allowing her sister to wear their mom’s necklace on her wedding day.

Photo 178638168 © Victoriaandreas – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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