
Her Stepsister Was Shocked After Getting Removed From Her Stepdad’s Will, But She Pointed Out How Her Stepsister Just Treated Him Like Garbage And A Wallet For Years

VK Studio -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
VK Studio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has three siblings.

Her half-sister is 16, her stepbrother is 24, and her stepsister is 21.

Over the past six to eight years, her stepsister has been living with her biological mother.

In her view, her stepsister’s mother is insane and lies to her stepfather constantly.

Throughout the last several years, her mother and stepfather have attempted multiple times to convince her stepsister to visit them at their summer house. They wanted to try to include her since she had made the decision to live with her mother, and they didn’t see her too often.

Each summer, she gave excuses, claiming that she was busy with cheerleading and would be unavailable.

However, her stepsister coincidentally always seemed to have the time to go on vacations abroad or on fancy cruises.

“A few years ago, I brought this up to her and asked what her deal was. She told me that my stepdad abandoned her and never came out to see her, and she asked why she should put in the effort when he doesn’t,” she said.

Hearing this from her stepsister angered her because she didn’t think this interpretation was accurate. Her stepfather didn’t move away from her stepsister once he got divorced. His ex-wife moved out, so it’s not like her stepfather lives far away.

VK Studio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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