
Her Stepmom Called Her Selfish When She Refused To Give Her Stepsister Her Late Mom’s Engagement Ring, Which Is A Special Family Heirloom

Rachel - illustrative purposes only

When a step-sibling enters your life, deciding what you want to share with them and what you want to keep to yourself can be difficult.

One woman has found herself in some family drama after refusing to give her late mother’s engagement ring, a special family heirloom from her dad’s side of the family, to her stepsister.

She’s 22 and has a 20-year-old stepsister who came into her life when her dad remarried when she was nine.

Before she was born, when her dad proposed to her mom, he used an engagement ring from his side of the family. It was very special, as her dad’s parents loved her mom and wanted her to have the family heirloom.

After her mom sadly died when she was a kid, her grandparents decided to take back the engagement ring and save it for when she got engaged, as that’s what they wanted, and they knew that’s what her mom would’ve wanted.

When her dad married her stepmom, she was upset not to get the family engagement ring, but her grandparents stood their ground and saved it.

A few weeks ago, her stepsister got engaged to her boyfriend, who didn’t give her a ring because he wanted her to pick one out. Immediately, her stepsister asked her dad if she could have his family engagement ring.

When her dad and stepmom went to talk to her grandparents about the ring, they turned them down, telling them that her stepsister wasn’t the granddaughter they wanted to have the ring. Her stepmom was hurt, but her grandparents firmly told her they wanted to save the ring and that their late daughter-in-law would hate to see it go to someone other than her daughter.

“When speaking to my grandparents failed, my dad and his wife came to me,” she recalled.

Rachel – illustrative purposes only

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