
Her Sister Wants To Drop Out Of College To Pursue Her Dream Of Modeling, But She Told Her Sister She Doesn’t Have What It Takes

Instead, she was talking about the stamina and mental endurance that is required of people trying to make it in the modeling industry.

That’s why, while she realizes that her comment might have been pretty harsh, she knows that the industry is even more selective and competitive.

“So I don’t think it’s a feasible idea, especially when Bianca would be wasting our parents’ hard-earned money,” she vented.

Still, ever since she essentially crushed her sister’s dreams, she’s been left wondering if admitting that she didn’t think her sister had what it took to be a model was a really jerky move.

Can you understand why she’s worried about her sister dropping out of college? Even so, was it best to just crush her sister’s dreams like that? Or should she have talked to her sister about creating a reliable career while still pursuing her dreams? What would you have done? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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