
Her Sister Wants To Drop Out Of College To Pursue Her Dream Of Modeling, But She Told Her Sister She Doesn’t Have What It Takes

Svetlana Sokolova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a younger sister named Bianca, who is 19-years-old. And ever since Bianca was a little girl, her sister has always claimed that she wanted to be a model.

“But no one in our family ever really took it seriously,” she admitted.

Then, once it came time for Bianca to head off to college, her sister chose to major in business. At the time, this decision pushed her and her family to believe that Bianca had left all modeling dreams behind her.

Right now, her sister is attending an expensive university in New York– and her parents are footing the bill for it. She also wanted to make it clear that her family is not rich by any standard, so this is a big deal.

However, it appears that Bianca hasn’t completely given up her modeling aspirations because recently, her sister reached out and claimed to have submitted an application to Wilhelmina Agency.

Bianca is also “convinced” that the modeling agency will accept the application, which is why her sister now wants to drop out of college all of a sudden.

Now, she is an extremely truthful person, and she tends to say whatever comes to her mind honestly. And after Bianca told her the news, she didn’t hold back.

“I told Bianca that I don’t think she has what it takes to be a model,” she revealed.

To be clear, she was not referring to her sister’s looks whatsoever. In fact, she claimed that Bianca is a very beautiful young woman.

Svetlana Sokolova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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