
Her Husband Working From Home Has Been Driving Her Insane Because His Meetings Keep Waking Her Up, But He Refuses To Go Into The Office Two Days A Week Because He Feels Like She Just Doesn’t Want Him Around

Photo 159874470 © Noriko Cooper - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman works in healthcare and typically has long night shifts at the hospital– lasting about 12.5 hours. Her husband, on the other hand, has a job that allows him to work from home with the option to travel to his office.

But her husband often works from home anyway, and they currently live in a small one-bedroom apartment. So, hearing his work meetings after she returns from a long shift at work has begun to drive her insane.

“It’s absolutely impossible for him to work without me hearing his Zoom calls or his frustrated sighs or groans at the stress of his job and vocalized mental maths all day,” she revealed.

She often gets home from work and just wants to relax. Yet, she is constantly woken up each time she finally falls asleep and tries to catch up on her rest.

So, for the last year, she has asked her husband for a compromise. She wants him to work at least two days at the office; that way, she can finally get some peace and quiet in her own house.

“He gets plenty of this as I’m often gone all night, day, and weekends with my job,” she reasoned.

Yet, every time she broaches this topic and brings up the compromise, her husband gives her pushback, and it ends in a big fight. He misinterprets her request as her not wanting him around the house, and it makes her husband feel rejected.

That obviously isn’t the case, though, and she has repeatedly tried to explain that to her husband, too. Yet, he can’t seem to understand her perspective, and she’s sick and tired of it.

“He takes it so personally and puts all sorts of words in my mouth, like accusing me of thinking he is a piece of [garbage], saying it sounds like I don’t actually like him…,” she vented.

Photo 159874470 © Noriko Cooper – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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