
Her Friend’s Girlfriend Had To Go To The Hospital After Eating The Dessert She Made, And Is Insisting She Should Pay Her $2,000 ER Bill

Photo 230375502 © Raisa Kanareva - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Over the weekend, this 27-year-old woman was invited to a Halloween party her friend Rob was throwing.

She made dessert to share with everyone at the party: peanut butter brownie cheesecake tarts. It was pretty evident that her dessert contained peanut butter. Not only could you smell it, but you could also see it because she had drizzled some over the top of the dessert.

While the party was underway, Rob’s new girlfriend, Janie, began wheezing, choking, and coughing badly.

She had no idea that Janie actually has a peanut allergy, and Janie had an awful allergic reaction after eating one of the tarts she made.

The party quickly was over as Rob had to rush with Janie to the Emergency Room.

“Janie was fine, but yesterday [she] started texting me and contacting me, insisting that I should pay for her hospital bill since I had made the dessert and had not labeled it or publicly announced that it had peanuts in it,” she explained.

“No one had at any point told me that Janie had this allergy or asked me to label food with allergens (none of the other food at the party had a label on it).”

“I refused and said that she should have asked me if she was concerned that the dessert had peanuts in it, AND I was honestly just shocked that it wasn’t obvious…The dessert smelled clearly of PB and had crunchy peanut butter very obviously drizzled on the top.”

Janie went around telling all of Rob’s friends without actually sharing any key details, and now some of the friends that she has in common with Rob are siding with Janie.

Photo 230375502 © Raisa Kanareva – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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