Categories: Relationships

Her Family Has Dismissed Her Health Issues After She Was Diagnosed With An Inheritable Disease, So She Wants To Cut Them Out Of Her Life

Chip Chick

“I got things thrown at me like I should eat more prunes, I should lose weight because I am too fat, I just need to get out of that wheelchair and just walk,” she explained.

While she was visiting her grandparents, she had a POTS attack, and during this, she felt woozy and nearly fainted. Instead of making sure she was okay, they pretended nothing happened. Her grandparents made her feel like the support she was trying to provide was completely unappreciated.

“To them, I am just overreacting and faking it. They also think my grandma’s situation is more serious than mine,” she shared.

In her view, it doesn’t matter whose disease is more severe or life-threatening. She believes that the focus should only be on providing emotional support to each other through difficult times. It seems like her grandparents think that they are the only ones who matter, while she can’t even comprehend that mindset.

This experience was understandably difficult, considering the fact that she has a fairly close relationship with her grandmother up to this point. But throughout the years, she hasn’t been as close with her grandfather or felt like he cared about her life or her health issues.

Now, she is debating on whether or not she should stop talking to family members who dismiss her health issues.

What would you do if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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