
He Disowned His Oldest Sister After She Didn’t Tell Him That She Had COVID-19 And Caused Him To Miss The Birth Of His Son And The Near Death Of His Wife During Childbirth

His sister didn’t attend their baby shower because she was invited to a concert at the last minute. He didn’t mind that she wasn’t at the shower because he was apathetic about his sister at this point.

Unfortunately, his sister contracted COVID-19 at the concert.

However, she lied to him and claimed that her test results were negative. She said that she only had a cold.

Over the holidays, since she knew that she had COVID-19, she didn’t attend the family gathering.

“But she knew her youngest son also had Covid and decided to still have him come to the holiday to ‘not miss the experience.’ Without telling any of us that he had Covid. So, the whole time he was there, he looked miserable. I took it as he is the youngest there, with mostly adults. And spent time with him, playing ping pong and other activities he wanted to do. Fast forward a few days later, and I started feeling ill. Turns out, I got Covid from him. And forced to quarantine for two weeks,” he explained.

One week into his quarantine, his wife came home from work, and she told him that her water had broken.

His wife continued, informing him that she’d called her sister already so that she could pick her up and bring her to the hospital.

Since he worked for the hospital where his wife was delivering their baby, they already knew that he had Covid and was currently in quarantine.

“Fast forward a bit, and my wife had to get an emergency C-section. The umbilical cord was wrapped around my son’s neck. Luckily, he was safe and came out super healthy. But my wife ended up hemorrhaging, and they weren’t sure she was going to make it. Again, luckily, she did. My family keeps pestering me, saying that I need to be the bigger man and forgive my sister,” he shared.

His family members have also reminded him that his sister always behaves irresponsibly. He wants to disown his sister and cut off contact with her, but the rest of his family doesn’t want him to do this because they’re concerned that this will cause a lot of tension.

In response to their opinions, he said that if she had said she was sorry, he would have considered forgiving her.

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