
He Disowned His Oldest Sister After She Didn’t Tell Him That She Had COVID-19 And Caused Him To Miss The Birth Of His Son And The Near Death Of His Wife During Childbirth

Halfpoint -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Halfpoint - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old man’s sister, 45, is, sadly, deeply self-centered, conceited, and has a terrible habit of compulsively lying.

His sister has three children, yet, in his opinion, she acts like she’s still 21 years old.

While he was still living at home, his parents were the ones who took care of his sister’s children the vast majority of the time.

Sometimes, his sister would ask his parents if they could take care of her children for several hours so that she could do some work. But she would turn around and go on a four-day trip out of the state. She was able to get away with this behavior because their parents never turned her down, and she was well aware of it. His sister sadly took full advantage of his parents’ kindness.

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, his wife was pregnant.

He is the first one to get married in his family (besides his parents).

“At first, my wife didn’t want to have kids. But after much time together, she decided we should have one, and I was so happy to hear that. Hence, her being pregnant is such a big deal. My family knew how opposed she was to having a child at first,” he said.

This was going to be the only child he and his wife planned to have together.

They ultimately scheduled their baby shower for later in his wife’s pregnancy, around the holidays. That way, the family that was traveling from out of the state would only have to make the trip once.

Halfpoint – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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