
The Father of Her Daughter Won’t Provide Any Financial Assistance, So She Wants To Stop Allowing Visitations

Instead, he planned to only provide items that his daughter “needs” until there was a child support ruling ordered by the court.

According to her, the father of her daughter has a history of acting entitled and controlling. So, she feels like this situation is no different.

“Also, I’ve already spent about $50 being able to get to these two visitations, including food, gas, and a sitter for my eldest,” she explained.

“I’ve fallen on slow and tough times in my work, and I cannot afford that.”

So now, she is seriously considering not bringing her daughter to any more visitations until they are court-ordered, too. However, she’s not sure if that would make her a real jerk or not.

How would you feel in her shoes? Do you think her daughter’s father deserves visitation if he isn’t going to contribute? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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