
The Father of Her Daughter Won’t Provide Any Financial Assistance, So She Wants To Stop Allowing Visitations

Ananass - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman has a 4-month-old daughter. But, the father of her child was only around for the first week after she gave birth. Then, he totally disappeared and cut contact.

It was not until about two weeks ago that he finally reached out again. And since then, he has gotten to see his daughter twice.

Both times, she and the father met up at a mutual location– like a fast food joint.

“But in these four months, I have not received any assistance from him whatsoever,” she revealed.

Now, she does have a court date lined up for a couple of months from now. Still, during their last visit, she decided to ask the father of her daughter if he could start contributing some financial assistance.

Well, he claimed that he needed to wait until he got paid.

Payday did eventually roll around, too, and he claimed that he needed to go to work to get his paycheck. Afterward, he said he needed to wait until the morning to send her his payment– a total of $50.

“Which is already a slap in the face after four months,” she said.

Still, she was going to accept the money– as little as it was. Yet, once the morning came around, her daughter’s father claimed that he would no longer be giving her any money.

Ananass – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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