
Stop Letting Bugs Bug You: Six Hidden Things Attracting Pests To Your Yard And How To Fix It

By maintaining proper spacing between plants, you can also ensure good airflow, minimizing the moist, sheltered areas that pests love.

Ripened Fruits Are Tempting For Pests

Maintaining a garden can be time-consuming, and it’s natural to miss a harvest every once in a while.

But ripened fruits and vegetables that have fallen to the ground can quickly become a smorgasbord for flies and ants.

To keep them from feasting in your garden, make a habit of harvesting ripe produce promptly and clearing away anything that has fallen and started to rot. You’ll thank yourself later.

Light Attracts More Than Just Moths

We’ve all seen moths fluttering around a porch light, but light can attract other bugs, too.

Using warm-colored bulbs (like yellow or orange) instead of bright white or blue lights can help keep the bugs away.

Additionally, consider installing insect-repellent lights that are designed to reduce the attraction to insects. This can help keep your plants safe while allowing you to hang out on the porch without interruptions from buzzy guests.

Any Accidental Shelter

Piles of wood, compost heaps, or old equipment can unwittingly become unintended shelters for rodents, spiders, and other creepy crawlies.

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