Categories: Relationships

She’s Refusing To Reimburse Her Ex After Their Daughter Had An Accident In The Car Because Their Daughter Is Supposed To Wear Pull-Ups Due To A Medical Condition, And Her Ex Didn’t Listen

Katharina Buczek

This woman and her ex have a daughter, who is 7-years-old. And even though she has full custody, she allows her ex to visit and take her daughter out whenever he visits town– which is a couple of times each year.

But, his daughter has bowel issues and an underdeveloped bladder, which makes it basically impossible for the little girl to hold it in whenever she has to go to the bathroom.

“Once my daughter tells us she has to go, we have about two minutes to get her to a bathroom,” she explained.

That’s why her daughter still wears pull-ups during the day and goes to bed with diapers on. Her daughter also wears diapers during long car rides or when they visit somewhere that typically has long bathroom lines.

Well, her ex came into town recently and wanted to take their daughter to an amusement and water park. She was fine with that, too, but made sure to remind him of their daughter’s condition.

She also packed a bag filled with pull-ups, diapers, and a change of clothes for the trip.

Rather than listening to her, though, her ex thought that he knew better. So, he actually threw away the bag and just took their daughter to buy some underwear.

“And my daughter fell asleep in the car and ended up having a pretty big accident,” she said.

This forced her ex to clean up their daughter and clean up his car to the best of his ability before bringing her back home.

tan4ikk – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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