Categories: Relationships

She’s Refusing To Let Her Mom In The Delivery Room Again When She Has Her Next Child Because, After Recently Having Her Newborn, Her Mom Shared Vulnerable Photos Of Her And Her Baby With Friends

Katharina Buczek

This 18-year-old girl and her boyfriend, who is 20, recently had a baby.

She was beyond excited to have her first child, too, and everything went great throughout her pregnancy. Well, that was right up until she went into labor.

It all began when her mother asked to be in the delivery room with her, and she agreed under two conditions. She wanted her mom to respect her special bonding time with her newborn, as well as one other boundary.

“I want to be the one to announce I had my baby. Do not send the photos of my birth to anyone,” she told her mom.

Anyway, she eventually went into labor, and she allowed both her mom and her boyfriend in the delivery room. She also asked if they could both take some videos and photos since she was feeling very happy and respected throughout the labor process.

Well, right after she welcomed her baby into the world, her mom admitted to already messaging all of her friends– who her mom had considered “family”– that she was in labor.

“And my mom sent photos of my seconds-old newborn baby to them before I even had the chance to see them,” she revealed.

Not to mention, her mom also shared vulnerable photos of her– including her feeding her baby for the first time. This made her feel incredibly disrespected and violated, too, so she confronted her mom.

“I told my mom they [her mom’s friends] were on a need-to-know basis, and she didn’t have the right to do that,” she explained.

kurapatka – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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