Categories: Relationships

She’s Refusing To Let Her Mom In The Delivery Room Again When She Has Her Next Child Because, After Recently Having Her Newborn, Her Mom Shared Vulnerable Photos Of Her And Her Baby With Friends

Katharina Buczek

Her mom just didn’t understand her concerns, though, and claimed that the friends were like family who were all girls, too.

Regardless, she knows that her mom’s friends also have male partners– who were shown the pictures. And she just was not okay with that.

That’s why she ultimately decided that when she had her next child, her mom would not be allowed in the delivery room again. However, in hindsight, she isn’t sure if revoking that privilege from her mom was the right way to handle the situation.

How would you feel if your mom shared such vulnerable photos of you and your newborn after you explicitly set a boundary? Did she have a right to take away the privilege of her mom being in the delivery room for her next baby after that? Would you have handled this situation differently or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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