
She’s Considering Ending A Friendship After Her Friend Invited Her Out For A Birthday Brunch But Still Made Her Pay

Oleksandr Kozak - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s birthday just passed, and before the special day, one of her friends reached out. Her friend, who is 34, wanted them to go out to celebrate her birthday either over brunch or happy hour.

In the past, they had celebrated a bunch of birthdays together, too, and their friends always treated the birthday girl to a meal. So, she was pretty excited.

“And I felt happy that my friend wanted to help me celebrate,” she recalled.

However, on the day of the brunch, she and her friend met up, and they also enjoyed two rounds of drinks– which were her friend’s suggestion. Yet, her friend never actually wished her happy birthday or brought up the fact that it was her birthday at all.

Still, they were having a great time until the check rolled around, which wound up totaling $60 per person.

To her total shock, her friend only covered their own bill.

“I was surprised and annoyed. I didn’t ask my friend to take me out or mention my birthday,” she said.

She reached out to me.”

Afterward, as they were leaving, her friend also claimed that they wanted to “treat her” to a shot at the bar for her birthday. And this, in addition to what happened with the bill, just made her feel as though the entire meet-up was really strange.

Oleksandr Kozak – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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