
She Went To Go See The New Barbie Movie With Her Mom, And It Made Her Cry As She Realized Her Mom Will Never Love Her

Instead, while she cried during the movie, her mother laughed at her, not even knowing why she was sobbing in the first place.

“My mother only shows love when I can do something for her, and really, that’s not often,” she shared.

Growing up, her mother repeatedly told her all the things she “gave up” in order to raise her.

Her mother has claimed that when she would express things her mother did that upset her, this would, in turn, upset her mother, too, because her mother thought she was being too negative.

During these conversations, her mother always finds ways to blame her and shame her for not doing enough.

For so many years, she has wondered why her mother doesn’t value her or appreciate her.

She has often wondered if her mother has treated her poorly because she is unknowingly repeating the parenting cycle of her own mother being cruel to her. She is her mother’s only daughter.

These realizations have understandably crushed her. She believes that the relationship she has with her mother is even more tense now that she’s moved back home, and she doesn’t plead with her mother to love her anymore. She no longer tries to get her mother to care for her.

Moving forward, she has decided to get ready to move out without letting her mother know ahead of time.

From there, she will go low-contact or have no contact with her mother at all in the future.

After watching the Barbie movie, it brought her the clarity she needed. She acknowledged that she couldn’t continue to feel awful about herself and allow her mother to make her feel even worse.

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