Categories: Romance

She Went Out On A Dinner Date With A Guy Who Grabbed Her Without Asking, But When She Confronted Him About It The Next Day, He Said He Misread Things And Would Like To Go On Another Date

Bre Avery Zacharski

This 33-year-old woman just went on a dinner date with a 28-year-old guy who works as a teacher and is “well-known” in her area.

Over dinner, they discussed history and politics, and she says that the conversation was wonderful.

She majored in political science back in college, and he majored in history, so they really had a lot to talk about.

“It was a refreshing conversation, and he reached out to touch my hand once, which I liked because I was pretty into him at this point,” she explained.

“Then, when he was walking me to my car, he came up behind me, fully grabbed my [backside], turned me around, and kissed me so fast I didn’t even have the opportunity to say, “NO. STOP.”

He then pushed her up against her own car and said he actually was more into her chest, so he squeezed her there.

He also asked her to go home with him, but she was able to tell him no before getting out of there as quickly as she could manage.

The following day, she did decide to confront him for touching her without even asking first. She informed him that even if she was in a committed relationship with him and considered him to be her boyfriend, she never would allow him to touch her in a public setting as he had done on their date.

“To me, it feels incredibly demeaning and violating,” she said. “He gave me a long apology that he made me feel uncomfortable and that he “really misread the situation” and wants to see me again.”

shymar27 – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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