Categories: Romance

She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Exchanged His Contact Information With Another Girl While They Were Still On The Date

Emily Chan

TikToker @ayanbabyofficial is discussing how a guy she was on a date with exchanged his contact information with another girl while they were still on the date!

So she had been chatting with this guy for a long time, and they ended up going on a total of two dates together.

For their first date, they decided to go to a restaurant. He picked her up in his van, which she didn’t mind because he had already explained he drove a van for work.

When he arrived at her place to pick her up, she immediately noticed his outfit, and she was not impressed.

He was attractive, but he was wearing an extremely wrinkled white shirt. The shirt was also see-through, which was not flattering for his body type. The whole look made her uncomfortable.

After being seated at the restaurant, they ordered their food and drinks. She ordered a mocktail, while he opted for a glass of tap water.

She was somewhat surprised that he had asked for tap water because she knew he could afford regular water since he worked full-time and was self-employed.

Overall, the date went well. When she got home, she talked to some friends about it, and they gushed over how he had behaved like a gentleman. However, she was still a bit iffy about the fact he had ordered tap water.

Anyway, she decided to go on a second date with him. They went bowling and were really enjoying each other’s company. At one point, she needed to take a bathroom break.

Brayden – illustrative purposes only

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Emily Chan

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