
She Went On A Beach Date With A Guy, Where She Had An Embarrassing Little Wardrobe Malfunction

luengo_ua - illustrative purposes only

Fashion failures can happen to anyone, and they always seem to occur at the worst possible moment. We’ve all been there before, whether it’s a skirt that was lifted by a too-strong breeze or a tube top that slipped a little too far down while at a family-friendly amusement park.

But when a mishap like that happens on a first date, it makes it all the more mortifying! TikToker Zara (@misszaraxx) is discussing a disastrous date at the beach where she had a slight wardrobe malfunction.

So this guy asked her on a date to the beach. They decided to take her dog on a walk alongside the water. For the date, her outfit consisted of a brown top and a pair of semi-sheer white shorts with no-show underwear beneath them.

The underwear she had on was made with glue to make it completely seamless and invisible underneath clothing. That day, it was extremely hot outside. Perhaps you can guess what happened next.

The date was going very well, and Zara was really into him. But as they were walking along the beach, Zara felt something snap. Then, she felt something lightly slapping her thigh.

That’s when she realized that the glue holding her underwear together had melted, causing it to split in half. Her underwear was now threatening to escape from her shorts and land on the ground.

Her date had no idea about the trouble she was having. Zara was forced to pull him aside to inform him that the panties she was wearing had fallen apart. Fortunately, he was super nice about it.

She had to carry the panties for the entire length of the dog walk until she could dispose of them. The underwear mishap did not stop them from continuing the date.

After stopping back at her place for a quick change of clothes, they proceeded on with their date. Despite the embarrassing wardrobe malfunction, it was still one of the best dates Zara had ever been on!

luengo_ua – illustrative purposes only

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