Categories: Relationships

She Went After Two Boys Who Took Her Daughter’s Toys And Wound Up Getting Scolded By The Boys’ Mom For Chasing Children

Chip Chick

Have you ever been yelled at by another adult while trying to defend your kid from theirs?

One woman recently chased after two boys who took her three-year-old daughter’s toys and ended up getting scolded by their mom.

She has a three-year-old daughter who is semi-non-verbal. The only words in her vocabulary right now are ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada,’ and she mostly just makes a few noises to communicate what she wants.

She runs a booth at a farmer’s market and often takes her daughter to work with her because she’s quiet and well-behaved.

“I set up my stand, and I have a little table and chair for her ‘stand’ too,” she explained.

“She puts her toys out and works her booth like me. It’s cute, and other kids go to her booth and play with her.”

One day, while she and her daughter were all set up at the farmer’s market, her daughter had some toys and a special bubble wand they had just gotten on vacation at her table. All of a sudden, two boys around eight and nine years old went up to her daughter’s table and started playing with her toys.

Usually, her daughter doesn’t mind when other kids come to play, but these boys began getting rough with the toys and banged them on the table. 

When her daughter called out to her and looked like she was about to cry, she scooped up her daughter and asked the boys to be gentle with the toys. They told her no, so she said she’d put the toys away.

morrowlight – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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Chip Chick

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