
She Was Stabbed On Her Way To Work, And Now Her Cheating Husband Says He Wants To Cancel Their Divorce Since He Can’t Envision A Life That Doesn’t Include Her

sakkmesterke - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman has a husband the same age as her, but they’re close to concluding their divorce process, and he’s about to be her ex-husband.

They were married for 12 years, and they tied the knot when they were both just 22-years-old.

Four months ago, her husband revealed to her that he was cheating on her and in love with the other woman, and so he asked her if they could get divorced.

Initially, she was devastated. She did not want to get divorced, but she knew it wasn’t worth it to beg her husband to stay with her when he clearly wanted out of their marriage.

What really complicated their divorce was that her husband’s mom got very sick, and she was the one who had to go take care of her every evening.

Although her husband’s mom never was that nice to her, she still agreed to help her in her time of need since this woman really doesn’t like anyone.

Having to care for her husband’s mom did drag their divorce out, and in hindsight, she thinks they were kind of using her as a babysitter or nurse.

Less than two months ago, she was on her way to work when she was assaulted. She does not own a car, and her husband always was the one to drive her, but he quit giving her a ride when they went through the divorce.

When she was assaulted, she only had her cell phone and about ten dollars on her, and she got stabbed for not having a lot to give her assailant.

sakkmesterke – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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