
She Took A Two-Day Trip To Attend Her Cousin’s Wedding, But Her Husband Is Furious That He Had To Stay Home Alone With Their Kids

Arsenii - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Most of the time, this 34-year-old woman’s husband, 35, is a wonderful husband who treats her equally and with compassion.

He’s recently been repeatedly bringing up an ongoing situation as if she is trying to take advantage of him, even though neither of them would ever do that to the other.

She is a stay-at-home mother to a 4-year-old and 1-year-old, and one of her cousins had an upcoming wedding in Pittsburgh that she was going to attend.

Understandably, she wants to go to this wedding because this is one of only three cousins that she has a close relationship with.

The night before the wedding, there’s a dinner that she’ll be attending. Once she arrives at the airport, she’ll only have an hour before the dinner starts. She’ll go to the wedding the next day and fly home the day afterward as soon as she can.

So that she could save money on the trip, she purchased the least expensive flight she could find, which was $99, and no baggage. She also is going to stay in a hotel with her uncle and her mother, who she believes to be a narcissist. Her mother will be sharing a bed with her.

“Our preference would have been to go as a family, but the wedding venue doesn’t allow children (run by some young lady who probably has never felt the exclusion of being a stay-at-home mom in America), and I am currently the only person in my family with children, so not a significant enough issue to taken been taken into account by the bride,” she said.

In her husband’s view, he would have wanted to all travel to Pittsburgh together regardless of whether or not the wedding venue allowed children so that she could attend the wedding while her husband stayed behind and watched their children.

However, it would have been too expensive for them all to go together just for her to go to the wedding alone, and it didn’t really make sense, anyway.

Arsenii – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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