
She Told Her Friend That She Should’ve Known Better After Getting Pregnant With A Man Who Is Married

Look! - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old woman has been best friends with Maggie, also 23, since they were kids. Maggie is a gorgeous woman and easy to talk to and be friends with.

However, Maggie only seems to be attracted to rich men at least 10 years older than her who already have wives and children.

According to Maggie, she isn’t interested in these men because they’re rich; she claims that she just happens to be physically attracted to these men.

Maggie’s habit of dating these types of men has always grossed her out, and it’s caused tension within their friendship.

A while ago, Maggie posted a story on her social media, and a man who she’d never met named Max, 39, responded to it.

From then on, Maggie and Max began talking, and Maggie became obsessed with him. She was constantly gushing about him and showing her photos of him.

Even though she knew it was none of her business, she couldn’t get it out of her head that something seemed off about Max. However, she didn’t confront Maggie about her concerns because she didn’t want to cause any drama.

After talking for about four months, Maggie met Max in person a couple of times. Later, Maggie introduced her to Max, and despite Maggie assuring her that he was single, she knew that Max seemed sketchy.

But at the time, she brushed it off as her feeling creeped out and concerned because he was so much older than Maggie and he was really mean when she met him.

Look! – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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