Categories: Relationships

She Snapped At Her Coworker For Constantly Teasing Her Over The College She Attended, Even Though It’s A Prestigious Ivy League

Chip Chick

She’s repeatedly asked Ally to stop calling her Andy and get off her case about where she went to school, but she wouldn’t.

Finally, during one of the firm’s monthly lunches, where everyone had to go around the room and introduce themselves, she snapped.

While she was introducing herself, she gave her basic elevator pitch and mentioned that she had recently graduated from Cornell. After she said that, she saw Ally lean over to some of their coworkers and whisper in a catty way, “Ever heard of it?”

“After this, I got up and excused myself from the room because I was getting upset, and she was getting on my last nerve,” she recalled.

“When Ally asked me later why I had left, I said that her ‘Harvard superiority complex’ was showing, and I didn’t want to be around her elitist nastiness. Ever since then, she hasn’t spoken to me and hasn’t made any more jokes.”

After the incident with Ally, one of her coworkers approached her and told her she should’ve been the bigger person since Ally wasn’t trying to be mean and was just proud of where she went to school. Now, she’s wondering if she went too far.

Should she feel bad for what she said to Ally, or did Ally need to be put in her place?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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