Categories: Relationships

She Ruined Ex-Best Friend’s Relationship In Order To Get Revenge On Her

Chip Chick

After he confided his feelings about Julia, she gave him more information about who Julia is as a friend and a person. She told him that Julia would destroy relationships with the people that are closest to her.

Right before they got off the phone, Julia’s boyfriend said that he felt more certain about his choice to break up with Julia, adding that he felt like Julia had been gaslighting him. Also, he said that his life has been chaotic since he got into a relationship with Julia. He told her that due to Julia’s horrible actions, he understood why she felt like she needed to message him and let him know the truth.

The next day, Danny called her and told her that Julia had come over to his place in tears. Apparently, Julia’s boyfriend followed through with his plan and ended their relationship. While at Danny’s, Julia was in hysterics.

“She was trying to blame me for him leaving, but Danny shut that down,” she continued.

Instead of agreeing with Julia, he told her that she shouldn’t be sobbing like this because this whole situation was her own fault. He continued and said that she should have known this would happen after she tried to destroy someone else’s relationship. Not only that but for three years, Julia gossiped about her, essentially setting it up so that she would retaliate or stand up for herself in response.

Julia could have just moved on and allowed her to live her life after their friendship ended. But now, Julia was upset once she experienced the consequences of her own actions. After Danny gave his opinions on the situation, he didn’t have anything more to say to Julia.

Now, Julia doesn’t have anyone to help her with her daughter, whom she had with a previous partner. Up until the breakup, her boyfriend had been helping her with childcare.

Since all the drama, Julia hasn’t retaliated or said anything on social media, and she hopes that nothing else happens.

Do you think she was right to try to destroy Julia’s relationship?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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