
She Ruined Ex-Best Friend’s Relationship In Order To Get Revenge On Her

Luckily, she had a mutual friend, Danny, who was still in contact with Julia.

A few days ago, she called Danny to tell him what happened, and she explained her theory of how Julia had been behind this anonymous Instagram account, adding that she had no idea why she would have done this in the first place. He confirmed her suspicions and said sorry on Julia’s behalf.

Apparently, on the day that Julia sent the message to her boyfriend on Instagram, Danny attended a family reunion and saw Julia and her parents. During the gathering, Julia’s parents asked if she knew what she was up to these days since they hadn’t been in touch with her in quite a while. Julia said that she had no idea what she was doing because they weren’t friends anymore.

“Danny follows me, so he told them how I moved out of state, had a good job, and met someone. He mentioned that my boyfriend had a business, and we seemed happy. After hearing that, Julia got MAD and then started telling her parents very untrue stuff about me, and after blowing up on them, she stayed on her phone for the rest of the event,” she explained.

This situation lines up with the night when Julia must have created the anonymous Instagram account. Julia then found her Instagram, and after that, she was able to track down her boyfriend so that she could send him a message.

Even though she stopped communicating with Julia three years ago, throughout that time, Julia publicly talked poorly about her on social media. But she never stood up for herself or retaliated in any way. She just continued to ignore her, no matter what horrible things Julia said about her.

However, Julia’s attempt to destroy her relationship was crossing a line. She wondered if the fact that she had stayed silent and didn’t respond to Julia’s antics enabled Julia to up the ante in a way.

For a long time, she’d had Julia blocked on Instagram, and she didn’t want to have to unblock her so that she could see what she had been up to lately. Instead, she asked one of her friends to check Julia’s Instagram to find out if she was currently dating anyone. It turned out that she was, so her friend sent her Julia’s boyfriend’s Instagram username.

So, she messaged Julia’s boyfriend, telling him who she was, and she gave him an explanation of why she was reaching out. Then, he asked if she was comfortable to talk on the phone with him, so she agreed to do so.

She talked with him for about an hour about Julia. First, she explained everything that Julia had done to her that led her to decide to reach out to him on Instagram.

“He said he was already thinking about breaking up with her because he didn’t trust her character. Apparently, she’s put him in uncomfortable situations, and he noticed she’s always having conflict with lots of people. He couldn’t pinpoint why that was, and he had caught her in lies before. He didn’t want to invest more time dating her if she was this crazy girl that he suspected she was,” she shared.

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