
She Ruined Ex-Best Friend’s Relationship In Order To Get Revenge On Her

Valua Vitaly - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Since junior high, this 25-year-old woman had been best friends with Julia. But three years ago, she cut off communication with Julia after she learned that Julia was gossiping about her.

For her, this was a dealbreaker for their friendship, so she stopped talking to Julia, eventually moved to a different state, and has been moving on with her life.

A little more than a year ago, she met her current boyfriend. So far, their relationship has been going smoothly.

“One day, I came home from the gym, and he told me about this random message he got through Instagram, and the clearly fake account sent him a screenshot of ‘proof’ that I was cheating on him. It said, ‘This is what your wife does when you’re not around,'” she said.

When she looked at the screenshot the anonymous account sent her boyfriend, she knew that it was from Julia’s Snapchat account, and it contained Snapchat messages between her and Julia.

In the messages, she was telling Julia that she wanted to hook up with a guy that she had a crush on, but the messages were from when she still talked to Julia back in 2019. She didn’t even know her boyfriend until 2022.

She explained the context and timeline of the Snapchat messages, and thankfully, her boyfriend believed that she wasn’t being unfaithful. In the past, her boyfriend has had partners who were unfaithful, so she was relieved that he didn’t worry that she was lying based on what he’s experienced in previous relationships.

Because the screenshot contained messages between her and Julia, she knew deep down that the person behind this anonymous Instagram account had to be Julia. Not only was Julia the only person she’d told about this crush (who she did eventually hook up with), but in the screenshot, she could see Julia’s Snapchat username. Clearly, Julia wasn’t being too careful since she forgot to crop out her username, giving away that she was obviously the person behind the Instagram account.

At this point, she and Julia hadn’t spoken in three years, so she didn’t understand what possessed Julia to start drama all of a sudden.

Valua Vitaly – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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