
She Lied To Her Parents About Not Being Able To Have Kids Just To Get Them To Stop Pressuring Her To Settle Down

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman recently went to visit her parents over the weekend. And, as usual, her father started pestering her about finding a partner.

Her dad claimed that she just needed to “find a man” and pointed out how her “biological clock” was ticking.

“And at this rate, I’m destined to be an old spinster and will never get married or have kids,” she added.

Now, this is not an uncommon topic of conversation at her parent’s house. In fact, each time she visits them every few months, they bring it up, and she is honestly really sick of it.

She isn’t someone who determined they will be “child-free.” Instead, she actually really wants to have kids.

“But once I’m financially stable and am not working 60 hours a week to afford my rent,” she reasoned.

That’s why her dad’s remarks really started to get under her skin, and she became both annoyed and snippy.

Then, she had an idea about a lie that would totally shut her parents up. More specifically, she decided to tell her parents that, last month at the doctor, she found out she couldn’t have children.

“And that I’m still ‘mourning all the children I’ll never have and him bringing up me having kids really hurt because the wound is still fresh,” she revealed.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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