
She Doesn’t Want To Let Her Husband Buy A Small Plane Because He Isn’t Even A Pilot, And The Purchase Would Be A Massive Commitment For A Newfound Hobby

Even though she doesn’t agree with his idea of buying a plane, she acknowledges that her husband is a wonderful person, a great husband, and he’s intelligent. She believes that he is doing his best to research this and is doing his due diligence, but she still won’t get on board.

Many years ago, she and her husband talked about her husband’s sister, who was a pilot back then, and as part of her job, she flew small planes.

“We both agreed that with small planes, ‘It’s only a matter of time.’ I have an acquaintance who lost their father in a small plane crash, and through social media, I have been able to see how this has affected their life throughout the years,” she shared.

Understandably, she’s deeply concerned and scared, including worrying about herself and their daughters.

She wants to tell her husband that he can’t buy the plane, but she feels like she can’t speak up. On the one hand, she believes that the purchase would be a horrible idea. But on the other hand, she doesn’t want to seem like she’s being negative or close-minded. All she knows is that she wants to strike a balance between standing up for herself and still respecting that her husband has this huge dream.

What would you do if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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