
She Cut Off Contact With Her Aunt After Being Accused of Faking Her Disability And Having A “Fake Service Dog”

Still, even after she returned home later that night, she received a text from her aunt accusing Diesel of being a “fake service dog!”

“Even though I follow federal law, not her opinion,” she said.

They wound up getting into a big argument about the dog, too, and her aunt claimed that she had just passed out for attention. Not to mention, her aunt called her mother an enabler and accused her of faking her disability.

“I went no contact,” she vented.

However, her aunt’s side of the family all started messaging her afterward– accusing her of being a jerk for fighting with her aunt and saying that she should have just left Diesel in the car.

So now, she’s been left wondering whether cutting off contact with her aunt after getting berated for “faking” her disability made her the bad guy.

How would you feel if a family member treated you like that? Did she have a right to cut off contact? How would you have reacted if you were in her shoes? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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