
She Cut Off Contact With Her Aunt After Being Accused of Faking Her Disability And Having A “Fake Service Dog”

Natalia Chircova - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

This 18-year-old woman suffers from horrible PTSD and a fainting condition, which is why she has a multipurpose service dog.

So, when she was invited out to dinner with her family for Thanksgiving last year, she brought the dog along. Apparently, the pup was still in training at the time.

Anyway, when she walked into the restaurant, her 46-year-old aunt immediately gave her some pushback.

“You can’t bring him in here without papers,” her aunt said, referencing the service dog.

But, according to her, there are no papers for service dogs per federal law.

Her aunt did not back down, though, and then demanded that she show a certificate for her pup. Her aunt even claimed that if she wasn’t able to provide a certificate, then her dog was just an emotional support animal.

“My anxiety spiked, and my anxiety tics started. Diesel, my service dog, started interrupting my tics like he was trained,” she recalled.

Yet, her aunt just kept giving her dirty looks throughout the dinner.

Eventually, she also got up later on to grab some more food, and sadly, she wound up having a fainting episode.

Natalia Chircova – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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