
She Billed Her Sister-In-Law $1,000 Because Her Sister-In-Law Took Two of Her Expensive Wedding Gifts And Swapped Them Out With Old, Used Items

lashkhidzetim - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband recently got married, so her husband’s uncle decided to gift them a brand new refrigerator that cost over $1,000 as a wedding gift.

Her husband’s older sister, Leanne, also bought them a generous wedding present– a dining room table that cost about $600.

Unfortunately, though, neither her husband’s uncle nor sister could make it to the wedding. So, they asked her younger sister-in-law, Anne, to deliver both of the gifts to her and her husband.

“But when the stuff came, I noticed the dining table was very old and chipped, with tons of sticky stuff on it,” she recalled.

The refrigerator was clearly old, too, since it was not clean and had two broken shelves.

This realization pushed her to ask Anne why the gifts cost so much when they were clearly used.

Well, her sister-in-law’s response totally shocked her. Apparently, she was just given Anne’s old dining set and refrigerator since Anne decided to swap the old items out with her brand-new gifts!

She was obviously taken aback and asked her sister-in-law why. But Anne just claimed that since she doesn’t have kids, she does not need “all of those nice things.”

“I told Anna that her having kids is not my problem and that she shouldn’t have done this with my wedding fit without asking me first,” she explained.

lashkhidzetim – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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