
She And Her Husband Wanted To Be There When Their Baby Tried Different Foods For The First Time, But Her Mother Kept Disrespecting That Boundary

Well, instead of respecting that, her mom got pretty upset and defensive when she tried to set that boundary. Her mom even tried to claim that it wasn’t a big deal or an important milestone.

To her, this felt like a total slap in the face, and she decided not to back down.

She reiterated that, yes, her baby trying new foods was a big milestone for them as first-time parents. Then, she laid down the law and stated her boundary again.

Nonetheless, her mother still doesn’t view it as a big deal. So now, she’s been left wondering whether telling her mom not to feed her daughter any “first foods” actually makes her a jerk or not.

Can you understand why she and her husband want to be there when their daughter tries food for the first time? Do you agree that it’s a meaningful milestone for new parents? Why do you think her mom disregarded her boundaries?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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